My placard for the Kia Kaha Aotearoa – Stand against Racism march this Sunday says “Stop Generalising. Start Connecting”. And now I’m going to ignore my own advice.
I enjoy the radio handover between Mike Hosking & his wife Kate Hawkesby each morning. The gist of it yesterday morning though was Mike saying let’s not get emotional and start demanding change, and Kate saying quietly “We could be trailblazers”. Indeed!! That resonated with me. If not now, then when?
Middle aged white men make up approximately 10% of the population, yet have about 70% of decision making power in our communities. My experience is that they are often more resistant to change than other groups because they have things the way they like them.
If we want to be trailblazers, then women and other minority groups need to find our voices. Look at some of the ingredients of this massacre. Guns. Technology. Profit. Hate speech. These are areas often (yes, I know.. not always) influenced by the masculine in us. And really… how important are these things in the overall scheme of things? Not as important as Family, Safety, Inclusion, Love speech.
It is time for our communities, our country, and our planet to find more balance, so all of our voices are represented. The voices of women make up 50% of them. NZ can lead the way.
So I ask you to keep on trail blazing please! Keep signing petitions for gun control. Keep connecting with the beautiful diversity in your communities. Keep boycotting companies that put profit before people. Keep connecting with your feminine. Keep caring. And to the men who are doing this too… thank you.